Rector of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Ph.D., Professor, Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
+380 44 234-11-08
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Ukraine, 01601 Kyiv, 9 Pyrogova str.
Vice Presidents
Algirdas Gaizhutis - Rector of the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Doctor Habilitus, academician, professor, full member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.
Board Members
Jan Lashchyk - Rector of Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education in Warsaw, Poland, Doctor Habilitus, professor;
Ihor Kotsan – Rector of Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European NationalUniversity (Ukraine) ;
Nicolae Kikush - Rector of Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University (Moldova), PhD;
Moritz Hunzinger – Honorary Professor of public affairs (Germany) ;
Executive Secretary
Svitlana ROTKO
+380 44 235 45 66
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